We want you to love your Christina Cosmetics experience and if it’s anything less than perfect, we want to make it right.

You’ll need to ship your item(s) to the return address provided below. That’s it! Once we receive your returned package, we’ll take care of the rest and process your refund ASAP.

If you would like to exchange for a different color, please write exchange on the side of the box and the color you wish to exchange it for. If the box was already opened, you can place a note inside or write on the packing slip.

If you love the makeup, but one or two of the colors don’t work, we can make a custom compact for you. Our most popular custom compacts are shown on the website by clicking the “Products” tab (top right ) starting with Ivory.00 thru Natual.75. You can also create any combination that’s right for you. Even mixing and matching colors from different compacts is perfect for those who are on the cusp of two shades. Please send your request with your return.

Christina Cosmetics
3435 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Suite 3397
Westlake Village, CA 91359